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What does Dr. Tobias’ MindRise do?
From Dr. Tobias, MindRise is an all natural nootropic stack on the market that has been claimed to:
- Improve Focus
- Enhance Memory
- Restore Clarity
But just how well will it actually work for you?
In this review, we run you through what’s in MindRise and see just how effective it is. We look closely at the stack and side-effects associated with this nootropic.
This is what you need to know:
What you need to know about MindRise’s stack:
Right off the bat:
There are side effects.
Some of the ingredients in this product are good, and even clinically backed. Others however, have no real proof of them working, and can even cause side effects.
MindRise isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, and if you’re thinking of using this nootropic, this is what you need to know:
The ingredients run-down (summary at the end):
Ginkgo Biloba
A common natural nootropic thought to boost cognition.
Although used by many natural nootropics out there, the effects of Ginkgo Biloba are unreliable – with only few feeling the effects. Many believe result of supplementing this herb could just be a placebo effect.
An all natural phospholipid that does wonders for your mind.
Seen in studies to promote memory, defense against cognitive decline and improvement in mood, this is a great addition to any nootropic.
L-Carnitine however is a different option.
With no real nootropic potential, L-Carnitine may help to some extent with metabolism when dosed over 500mg.
However it isn’t in MindRise, and so will not promote metabolism or any other benefits.
St. John’s Wort
An anti-anxiety and anti-depressive.
Although it has been seen to have positive effects, St. John’s Wort also delivers several side effects later on. We’ll talk about them more in the side effects section below.
An amino acid that is thought reduce sugar cravings – however, it’ll only make a difference if you’re deficient in it.
The benefits of this amino acid are only anecdotal, there are no clinical studies to support it’s effects when it comes to the sweet stuff.
Dimethylaminoethanol Bitartrate
Also known as DMAE, and is commonly used in beauty creams.
Once thought to help with cognitive decline, however studies have shown that there is no real effect when taking DMAE as oral supplementation.
Bacopa Monnieri
One of the better natural nootropics.
Bacopa Monnieri is a herb that has been linked to numerous cognitive boosting abilities. It’s great for improving overall memory and lowering anxiety.
Vinpocetine is also a good choice.
Extracted from the periwinkle plant, Vinpocetine has been seen to boost memory, and also help with blood flow.
Huperzine-A is great for preventing cognitive decline and improving overall learning.
If you’re looking to keep your mind tuned up, this is one of the better choices out there.
Quick Overview: There’s a mix of both good and bad in MindRise. There are some good, clinically proven choices here, however there are also some that have no backing – and can even cause side effects.
Only 4 out of 9 of the ingredients in this product are good – that’s less than half. Factoring in the side effects, you could find much better options elsewhere.
Side Effects
The main problem you have to worry about here is St. John’s Wort. In various studies this herb has been linked to:
- Restlessness
- Anxiety
- Irritability
- Fatigue
- Dry Mouth
- Stomach Problems
- Headaches
- And more
After the positive effects have worn off, this is what you’re left with – and if you’re looking to sharpen your mind – this is definitely not what you need.
Is there anything better out there than MindRise?
We’ve done the research, looked at the studies and are more than familiar with the nootropics market – and it’s led us to the best ones on the market.
If you’re looking for nootropics that promote:
- Attention
- Mood
- Creativity
- Mental Sharpness
- Maximum Focus
- Stronger Neuroconnections
- Overall Clarity and Cognitive Clearness
Then this is the list you need to see.
You can check out the nootropics we think are the best in the link below:
-> The Top 3 Nootropics <-
Dr. Tobias’ MindRise Review Conclusion
On the whole, this nootropic is definitely not the best out there if you’re looking for optimum brain-boosting.
If you’re considering Dr. Tobias’ MindRise, this is what you need to take away from this review:
- Many ineffective ingredients: More than half the nutrients used in MindRise lack clinical backing for their claims.
- Potential Side Effects: St. John’s Wort has been linked to numerous side effects with oral supplementation.
With this product, the cons outweigh the pros, you’re better off looking elsewhere.
To see what our readers are using as the safest and most effective option. Check out our top rated nootropic, reviewed in the link below. It’ll definitely be worth your while:
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