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What does neuroIGNITE do?
From Organic Stride comes neuroIGNITE, an all natural nootropic that has been claimed to promote:
- Mental Clarity
- Focus
- Memory
But just how well does it work?
In this review we look closer at neuroIGNITE to see just how effective this product is.
Here’s the low down on the ingredients, side effects and more.
What you need to know about neuroIGNITE’s stack:
Right off the bat:
Every ingredient is clearly labelled. We know what we’re getting and how much of each nutrient used.
This is a good sign and shows transparency from the manufacturer.
However, not all the ingredients used are great – and some even have side effects.
neuroIGNITE’s Ingredients
Ingredients summarized at the end:
Ginkgo Biloba
Thought to be an effective cognitive enhancer – but studies have shown this is not actually the case.
The use of ginkgo is incredibly unreliable with numerous studies saying it the effects depend from person to person.
It’s suspected that this may be placebo effect.
One of the better nootropics out there.
Phosphatidylserine has been seen to promote mind, mood, focus and even to some extent lessen cognitive decline.
It’s a good choice.
Unfortunately, not a good option.
Although seen to promote energy and metabolism, there is little evidence for L-Carnitine having any noticeable effect as a nootropic.
St. John’s Wort
Both an anti-anxiety and an anti-depressant.
St. John’s Wort may have some effect for your calmness and mental state – but be warned – after it had worn off, this nootropic had been seen to contain numerous side effects.
A poorer nootropic.
Linked to no cognitive enhancement by any reliable study.
The best L-Glutamine can do for you is reduce your sugar cravings (that is if you’re already deficient in it).
Used in beauty products – not so much in nootropics, here’s why:
Although thought to help reduce cognitive decline, the actual effects of DMAE are quite different.
There has been no reliable that shows that DMAE promotes or maintains cognition. It’s not a good choice.
Bacopa Monnieri
A solid nootropic.
Bacopa had been linked in numerous studies to increasing both memory and prevention against cognitive decline.
It’s a good choice for those wanting to keep sharp.
Another classic nootropic.
One of the better choices for memory and overall learning ability. Vinpocetine is great for keeping you sharp and curious while in effect.
Huperzine A
And to finish a final strong nootropic.
Huperzine A, like Vinpocetine, increases your overall learning ability.
Not only that, this noot has also been seen to prevent cognitive decline – which is always a bonus.
Quick Overview: All in all, the ingredients in neiroIgnite are mixed.
There are both some good and some bad options, but on the whole we have to say this isn’t the best we’ve seen.
There are numerous ineffective ingredients in this stack – and also some associated side effects with the St. John’s Wort.
It isn’t your best option.
Side Effects
The main problem that you’re going to run into here is the St. John’s Wort. Although effective, these are problems that people have reported with it:
- Restlessness
- Anxiety
- Irritability
- Fatigue
- Dry Mouth
- Stomach Problems
- Headaches
- And more
After the positive effects have worn off, this is what you’re left with – and if you’re looking to sharpen your mind – this is definitely not what you need.
Is there anything better out there than neuroIGNITE?
We’ve done the research, looked at the studies and are more than familiar with the nootropics market – and it’s led us to the best ones on the market.
If you’re looking for nootropics that promote:
- Attention
- Mood
- Creativity
- Mental Sharpness
- Maximum Focus
- Stronger Neuroconnections
- Overall Clarity and Cognitive Clearness
Then this is the list you need to see.
You can check out the nootropics we think are the best in the link below:
-> The Top 3 Nootropics <-
neuroIGNITE Review Conclusion
On the whole, this isn’t the best nootropic you can come across.
Although there are some good areas this review lays out the main problems with neuroIGNITE and why you’re better looking elsewhere:
- Some ineffective ingredients: Not every ingredient in this product has sufficient clinical backing.
- Potential Side Effects: St. John’s Wort has various reported side effects.
There are better options out there.
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