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What does Crossbiotics Nurohance do?
Made by Crossbiotics, this is an all natural nootropic stack that is claimed to promote:
- Focus
- Clarity
- Memory
- Brain Performance
But how well does it really work?
In this review, we look closer at Nurohance to see how effective it really is.
This is what you need to know:
What you need to know about the Crossbiotics Nurohance Stack:
It’s mainly one big proprietary blend.
This is when a supplement manufacturer groups together a range of ingredients, and lists them under one large dosage.
This means you don’t know the individual dosage of each ingredient – so you don’t know how much of each ingredient you’re getting or how effective it will be.
Not only that, some of the nutrients used can also cause side effects.
Here’s what you need to know:
The Ingredients
We’ve summarized it all at the end of this section.
A poor start to this nootropic.
DMAE was originally used in beauty creams as an anti-aging nutrient for the skin.
However, it has now entered the nootropics industry – and it isn’t working out well.
It’s believed to help prevent cognitive decline – however studies have shown it to have little to no results.
Not only that, this nutrient has been linked to side effects that could have some serious negative effects.
More on that later in the side effects section later.
Another option that isn’t great.
The effects of glutamine mainly help with a reduction in sugar cravings – and that’s only to those who are deficient in the amino acid.
It’s found in most foods and a lot of dairy products – there’s a high chance you’re not deficient in it.
It won’t aid your cognition in any way.
Green Tea
More of a fat burner than a nootropic – but the Green Tea herb does contain traces of L-Theanine.
L-Theanine works by promoting the calming hormones in your body, like GABA and serotonin.
This allows you to be more relaxed, be less distracted and take on the day with more focus.
However, there may not be enough in this Green Tea Extract to have the desired effect – especially as it’s in a proprietary blend.
One of the better herbs for cognition.
Bacopa has been seen mainly to help with anxiety and memory.
This can help greatly with focus and recall. There are numerous studies out there vouching for its effectiveness, it’s definitely worth taking.
Another good option for cognitive enhancement.
Choline has been seen in various studies to help with the promotion of CDP-Choline – the learning neurotransmitter.
The only way you can improve on this nutrient is by supplementing CDP/Citicholine directly.
This nutrient has not been seen to support cognition.
Inositol won’t help increase your brain power, but it may help get the process started faster.
By promoting blood flow and circulation, inositol can help to absorb this nootropic at a faster rate.
An anti stressor amino acid.
Tyrosine has been seen to help reduce the amount of cortisol in your system.
Cortisol is the stress hormone, and a spike in it can make you feel more under pressure and distracted. With less of it, you’ll find yourself focusing more and getting more done.
A good anti anxiety option – however there are some drawbacks.
GABA is a nutrient that can cross the brain-blood barrier and effectively lower anxiety.
However, there is an issue with the after effects with numerous side effects after GABA has worn off.
We’ll cover more on what they are later.
Olive Leaf
Similar to inositol – this doesn’t promote cognition, but may help absorption.
Olive Leaf has been seen in numerous studies to promote blood flow which can help with nutrient absorption.
More of a testosterone booster than a cognitive booster.
Studies have shown that boron can help raise T-levels, while also reducing estrogen levels.
It has not however, been seen to have significant effects on cognition.
Essentially fish oil, you’re getting a collection of fatty acids and Omega-3’s here.
This may help to maintain functions in the brain – but won’t have any real noticeable effects.
A better option for cognition.
Phosphatidylserine has been seen to promote 4 main features when it comes to cognition.
It can help to promote: focus, memory, mood and even help prevent against cognitive decline.
It’s a solid addition to this blend.
Quick Overview: As you can see, this isn’t the best nutrient profile for cognition.
The main issue is that proprietary blend. How are you supposed to know how effective, or safe, a nootropic is if you don’t know how much of each nutrient you’re getting?
Not only that, you’ve got to think about the potential side effects with both the DMAE and GABA.
It’s not the best option, stronger more effective noots are out there.
Side Effects
The main issues here lie with the DMAE and GABA.
DMAE has been seen in various studies to cause birth defects in expectant mothers – and further research is still being done.
It may cause long term damaging effects on users – but more research is needed to know for sure. We’d avoid it for now.
The GABA on the other hand, may work as an anti anxiety – but it can cause side effects afterwards such as:
- Headaches
- Nausea
- Fatigue
- Light Headedness
- And ironically, anxiety
It may do more harm than good.
Is there anything better out there than this Nootropic?
We’ve done the research, looked at the studies and are more than familiar with the nootropics market – and it’s led us to the best ones on the market.
If you’re looking for nootropics that promote:
- Attention
- Mood
- Creativity
- Mental Sharpness
- Maximum Focus
- Stronger Neuroconnections
- Overall Clarity and Cognitive Clearness
Then this is the list you need to see.
You can check out the nootropics we think are the best in the link below:
-> The Top 3 Nootropics <-
Crossbiotics Nurohance Review Conclusion
On the whole, this isn’t the best nootropic stack on the market.
From this review, here’s what you need to know about Nurohance;
- Proprietary Blend – You don’t know how much of each ingredient you’re getting or how effective it will be overall.
- Potential Side Effects – DMAE and GABA have been linked to causing side effects.
- Some ineffective ingredients – Not all the nutrients used promote cognition.
As you can see, this isn’t your best option.
To see what our readers, and editor, have voted as the most effective nootropic – check out our full official review of the current #1 in the link below:
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